Aug 2, 2018What’s going on ‘Cuda Country? Hope you’re all having a great week. Can you believe it’s already August? I can’t, it’s literally unfathomable. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around it. Where has the summer gone? Shoot, preseason football (Hall of Fame game) kicks off tonight. That’s just absurd!
I can’t say I haven’t enjoyed myself this summer. My goal was to be out of town a lot, and I’ve certainly accomplished that. Since the season ended, I went to Vegas for game three of the Western Conference Finals between the Golden Knights and Jets. I went to Tahoe twice, once for a hockey tournament and most recently for a family vacation. Yep, I still do family vacations, don’t judge, but I tend to pay for a lot more than I did when I was 12. I've got to be honest though, it was a cheapest weeklong vacation ever. We got the house for free from a family friend and everyone split food. It was the most cost-effective vacation of all time, but what a blast it was. Shout out Jason and Anna Anderlite, the best former neighbors of all time. I also visited my older brother in San Diego twice and even got out to see my dad for Father’s Day in Arizona. It’s been an all-time summer, but I’m ready for hockey to return #IsItOctoberYet
Kick off hockey season the right way, Fan Fest tickets are on sale now!https://t.co/CLg1Jjaqcy pic.twitter.com/vu400XooD7
— San Jose Barracuda (@sjbarracuda) August 2, 2018
I know you’re all antsy for the weekly company softball update, but first a little hockey related news. The Sharks announced dates for the 2018 Fan Fest, which will take place at SAP Center on Sept. 23 from 1-7 p.m. and will include the second annual Sharks Legends game. I was a last minute call-up last year so it’s TBD on whether I’ll get to play again this year, but I want to, so if you could begin a campaign to get me back into the game that would be much appreciated. After last year’s performance, I’d like to redeem myself a bit. I was so out of shape I nearly passed out, and I've heard it from Mike Ricci ever since. Probably didn’t help that I was sick for two weeks before the game but I'm not making up excuses. I will say though, with my lack of ability, I need to have good cardio or it's just a disaster.
Ok, enough with all that, let’s get to what happened on the hallowed grown of Twin Creeks Sports Complex on Wednesday night. Long story short, we lost! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a moral victory type of guy but we may have played our best defensive game in two years, and that was without arguably our best player, Ryan Stenn. I hate the saying "defense wins championships" but if we continue to play the way we did on Wednesday we've got a real chance. I think we only had one error all night and it resulted in an out anyway because the runner on first had to wait to see if the infield popup was going to be caught. Sometimes these games resemble little league or t-ball, so one error is an incredible accomplishment. Again it's a moral victory but we held the most potent offense in the league to 10 runs after they came into the game averaging 20+ through three weeks. Up 9-to-8 in the bottom half the seventh and final inning we allowed a pair of runs and ultimately fell to best team (thus far) in the Summer Wednesday Rotational Coed 4 League, Moss Adams, 10-9.
I’m not gonna call out any of the absent team members this week or go too much into detail about the game because honestly it was a blur and I didn’t write down details for a recap but I can tell you it was a seesaw battle that included some shutdown pitching from Joey Goldstein and stellar defense from the entire squad. I’ve honestly never felt so good about a loss in my whole life, and I'm a Browns fan so I'm used to losing A LOT. On a personal note, I will say my defense has steadily improved. I was an adventure in the outfield the first two weeks, but I’m getting my sea legs under me. Also, I had a huge chance to knock in some runs or take a walk with the bases loaded in the fifth, but I flew out and squandered a golden opportunity. I let the team down, and for that I’m sorry. I was batting 1000% (9/9) before that (not a big deal/humble brag), and I got a little too cocky. Major plate discipline from Nolly to come. I was also a double away from the cycle so I had to swing, right?!
Welp, I hope you’re all enjoying the company softball updates, but if you’re not, too bad. As Holty says in Bako, it’s my blog, and I do what I want.
Also, the opponents starting pitcher had a legit glove and a Cal Poly hat so for all we know he played division 1 baseball. More info to come on that, dude seemed like the real deal (James Neal) though.
If you honestly hate the softball talk, the season is very near so we'll be shifting back to hockey before you know it.
Have a great week everyone and we’ll talk to you next Thursday.